North Korea confirms latest weapons test, Kim Jong-Un carries out an inspection

North Korea has now tested for two different weapon systems. This week the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un also reportedly inspected an important ammunitions factory. All of this is of course coming in from the north Korean medium that has confirmed that North Korea has indeed carried out missile tests. 

This week Pyongyang is doubling down on its leader's military boosting plans while ignoring the offer for talks from the united states. Pyongyang so far from the beginning of this year the last 28 days has conducted at least about six missile tests including the hypersonic missiles. The tests have also highlighted the nuclear-armed states rapidly expanding and advancing arsenal from hypersonic missiles and long-range cruise missiles to missiles launched from rail cars and airports the tests have been one of the most intense barrages on record and also amongst the largest number of missile launches that have been made in a span of a month. 

The state media that is the North Korean media has released photographs of these missile tests. Stating that an update to a long-range cruise missile system was tested on the 25th of January another test has also been confirmed of a conventional warhead that was carried out on the 27th of January that is yesterday. The flurry of sanctions-busting tests has come after Kim jong-un insisted on his commitment to modernization of the North Korean military. In December Kim did not attend the test but during a visit to the ammunition's factory has lauded the leaping progress that's been made in the major weapon systems in North Korea, photographs of Kim jong-un visiting an ammunitions factory have also now been released but the weapons of the factory's location have not been specified. 

The January launches are all part of North Korea's five-year program for weapons development to upgrade its strategic arsenal North Korea hasn't tested its longest-range intercontinental ballistic missile or nuclear weapons since 2017 but the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has pushed for more military muscle and this is to counter what he sees as threats from the united states and also its allies in Asia. The launches have also triggered international condemnation and a new sanctions push from the united states north Korea is already reeling economically from self-imposed coronavirus blockade and remains to be seen as to have the Americans now respond to North Korea that has been carrying out test after test.

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