Wuhan scientists flag deadlier coronavirus

Here's something else that does not quit the coronavirus, not the one from Wuhan. This is another coronavirus but interestingly or ominously, it was flagged by scientists in Wuhan they're calling it Neocov. How is this one different from the Wuhan virus? Coronavirus does not refer to one virus it refers to a group of viruses, it's a type like SARS-CoV-1

 one or SARS-CoV-2 or the MERS‐CoV (middle east respiratory syndrome). Neo-cove is another one and just to be clear this is not a new virus, it was first discovered in bats from south Africa. So why are we talking about it now? Because the scientists in Wuhan have flagged two big concerns. 

Number 1 

It could start infecting humans. It needs one more mutation and neo cove could start infecting humans. 

Number 2

The mortality rate of Neocov is a mix of SARS-CoV and MERS‐CoV. It is highly transmissible like SARS-CoV and extremely deadly like MERS‐CoV. Reports say one out of three patients could die. That's the mortality rate of Neocov. The Wuhan virus has a mortality rate of 1.5 percent, now that's after all the vaccinations and boosters 1.5 in 2020, it was around four to five percent. Neo-Cov could have a mortality rate of 33 percent. So it is highly transmissible and dangerous. 

I know this might sound scary to many of you that were our first reaction as well. Are we in for another disaster a virus from a bat? We have bad memories associated with all three but now is not the time to panic.

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