Russia expands its sanctions list of EU officials

In a tit-for-tat measure, Russia has now announced that it will expand its sanctions list of EU officials that are prohibited from entering the country. Amid worsening tensions over the Ukraine crisis. Now the move comes as reciprocation for restrictive measures that Brussels had earlier imposed on Moscow. In a statement, the Russian foreign ministry said  "I quote guided by the principle of reciprocity and parity the Russian side has decided to expand its list of representatives of EU member states and institutions who are now prohibited from entering Russia." 

According to the statement, Russia has blacklisted the heads of some European private military firms. Some members of security services EU lawmakers and other officials who are personally responsible for promoting anti-Russian policies however the Russian foreign ministry has not disclosed the number of people involved and their names. 

Reacting to these sanctions the European Union has said that it deplores the decision made by Russian authorities to ban an unknown number of representatives of EU member states and institutions from entering Russia. It also said that Russia's decision lacks legal justification and transparency for further warning that Russia's latest sanctions would then be met with an appropriate response. Remember in December European union and foreign ministers had earlier agreed to slap sanctions on targets linked to the Wagner group which is a secretive company that was accused earlier of acting to destabilize Ukraine. 

The tit-for-tat sanctions come as the west has constantly warned Moscow of a coordinated response if it launches an attack on Ukraine.

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