Russia launches new military drills near Ukraine

Tensions in Eastern Europe continued to grow tonight. Today Russia launched new military drills near Ukraine and is now moving short-range missiles into place. President Biden says he's still unsure what Russian President Vladimir Putin will do. American weapons and supplies, including anti-tank missiles arriving here in Ukraine as the military prepares for a possible invasion. 

Russia has roughly 100,000 troops massed along its western border with Ukraine and another 30 trainloads of Russian soldiers, tanks, and weapons are being deployed in Belarus just to the north. The US responded by putting 8500 U. S. Troops on high alert for rapid deployment to Eastern Europe. 

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said. All options are on the time and space here for diplomacy to work. These NATO Response Force troops that we're talking about. If it's activated, is not about training. It's about credible combat power, but those troops would be part of a multinational response force under NATO command. It's not clear if NATO allies would approve a military engagement with Russian forces. 

Ukrainian troops on the front lines are bracing for what many see as an inevitable conflict. Civilians evacuate border towns and cities as tensions escalate. There is practically no one here because everything is broken. There is light gas water, but there is no life. The State Department says it has to quote crippling sanctions to go into effect against Moscow.

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